Climate Activist Resources
Leveraging Climate resilience districts and private industry with Senator Bill Dodd
What is SB 852 and how can we leverage private industry for climate solutions.
Napa Climate NOW 2023 Summit
The summit highlights clean energy projects underway or coming online in our local communities and how such projects are/will be funded
Solid Waste & Recycling (SWR) Programs & Projects
Covers SB1383, Biomass (WoodyWaste) Gasification System, and anaerobic Digestion to Renewable Natural Gas
Moving the Needle to Zero Transportation Emissions
How NVTA is taking action to create a sustainable transportation system.
Partnering with MCE
How partnering with MCE can support various local climate priorities.
Committed to Climate Action in California
PGE presents the need for climate action and the triple bottom line of our future.
Climate Action Toolkit
Ordinances, codes, regulations, programs: Find the tools you need to facilitate local climate action from the Sierra Club.
Citywide Energy Efficiency, Resiliency & Sustainability Project (ENGIE)
Presentation from American Canyon on efficiency measures
Short-lived climate pollutants (SLCP) are powerful climate forcers that have relatively short atmospheric lifetimes. These pollutants include greenhouse gases, methane, hydrofluorocarbons and black carbon. How can we make their capture part of the climate solution?
Believe it or Watt
All about energy self-generation at NapaSan
How to Talk About Climate Science
This video provides an overview of the climate science asking the questions “should we change?” “can we change?” “will we change?”
How to Talk about Climate Science pResentation DeCK
This slide deck covers the basics of the climate science: the problem and its solutions and can be used in presentations with others.
January PResentation on How to Talk to Elected Leaders
This fireside talk with Bernie Narviez and Joelle Gallagher provides some guidelines to activists who want to meet with elected leaders or influential figures in your community.
How to Take Action Recording
This session provides an overview of the history of activism as well as some guidelines for how to take action: advocating, educating, influencing, and informing.

A Primer on Climate Science
This video provides an overview of the climate science and points towards some solutions for leaders and individuals.

July Presentation on How to Talk to Elected Leaders and INfluencers
This fireside talk with Bernie Narviez and Scott Sedgely provides some guidelines to activists who want to meet with elected leaders or influential figures in your community.

a Primer on Personal Actions
This video tutorial provides an overview of individual actions you can take in your life to become a model for others.

How to Take Action
This session provides guidance on how to maximize your impact by scaling your actions to your specific community and maximizing the value of your personal choices.

Download the deck associated with this presentation.

How to Take Action Presentation
Download the deck associated with this presentation.
The Impacts of Climate Change
Recording of EDF Senior Climate Scientist and Streisand Chair of Environmental Science Ilissa Ocko providing a primer on the latest climate science and its real-time impacts.
Budget Conscious Climate Action Deck
This presentation details budget-conscious climate action for cities and municipalities.
This recording of a Countywide Climate Action Committee Meeting details the budget conscious actions cities, towns and municipalities can take to meet climate targets.
Take Action Right Now
Find suggestions on actions that you can take as well as a link to local issues that require your attention right now!
The Sustainable Innovation Forum 2020
Access the entire on-demand library of resources from the Sustainable Innovation Forum in 2020.
Five Minute Flash Talk
This short (five minute) presentation gives an overview of how to expand the scope of the drawdown.
What Climate Science IS Telling us
Climate Science Basics, With Pete Gan (Part One) from The Climate Center
More climate Science
Climate Science Basics, With Pete Gan (Part Two) from The Climate Center
International Policy
Climate Science Basics, With Pete Gan (Part Three) from The Climate Center
One View of the Future
Climate Science Basics, With Pete Gan (Part Four) from The Climate Center
We Are In a Climate Emergency
How Did We Get Here
Climate Science Basics, With Pete Gang (Part Six) from The Climate Center
Options to Cool the Planet
Climate Science Basics, With Pete Gan (Part Seven) from The Climate Center
How to Take Action Slide Deck
This slide deck provides an overview of the history of activism as well as some guidelines for how to take action: advocating, educating, influencing, and informing.
The Role of RCDs in Tackling Climate Change
Learn more about the mix of approaches necessary to address the climate crisis in this powerpoint presentation.
All about Sustainable AG
Check out this informative and encouraging presentation on Healthy Soils by Mary Chambers, chair of Sierra Club’s Sustainable Ag Committee.