As you may have gathered from our newsletter and emails, Napa Climate Now is a growing, developing and active group. One of our priorities for the current year is to get more folks involved in the inspiring and hopeful work of moving forward and solving the climate crisis.
Sometimes I make MYSELF pause when I say such things! SOLVE the climate crisis? Me? Us? Delusional? Or simply a deluded idealist? But what is the alternative? Despair? Apathy? Denial?
This update from the Steering Committee is part of our attempt to grapple with these ongoing questions that confront those of us who spend our own precious time and energy working towards solutions to this emergency. It is also, not incidentally, a bald attempt to get more of you to join us in this endeavor. And, on a personal level, I DO find this work inspiring, exciting and hopeful, and I hope to be sharing this work with more and more citizen activists in the next year.
In this first update, I’d like to simply introduce you to one piece of our new organizational structure-which is truly a work in progress-the Steering Committee. We are going through a process of reimagining our Steering Committee and structuring it to be a central hub of coordination, communication, broader planning and vision creation, and caretaking of the overall health and well-being of our organization. The current members are myself, Lynne Baker, Chris Benz and Eric Murray. We have many issues and initiatives that we are working with, one of the most important and vital being how to better respond to the need to support Black Lives Matter and social justice issues in general, and to diversify the membership of Napa Climate Now. If you have an interest or talent for this sort of work, please get in contact with us and we will talk about all the other possible ways we can work together to meet our current goal of reducing emissions to sustainable levels in the next 10 years.
In our next update, I’ll talk about our issue committees and the essential work they are doing. And, again, all the opportunities they are providing to use your energy and skills to help turn this crisis around. Looking forward to talking with more of you!