What’s Happening NOW?
Contact Governor Newsom and thank him for his new Executive order (N-79-20) requires that “by 2035, all new cars and passenger trucks sold in California be zero-emission vehicles,” pointing out the need to accelerate “affordable fueling and charging options for zero-emission vehicles, in ways that serve all communities and in particular low-income and disadvantaged communities.”
These are all important steps, but like the Paris Agreement, are only part of the larger strategy to solve our climate crisis. We join with our colleagues at The Climate Center in Sonoma in urging the Governor to take further action, including: 1) an immediate halt to new gas and oil drilling permits along with a start to the phase-out of fossil fuel production and exports; 2) a commitment to 100% renewable electricity by 2030; 3) increased investments in nature-based sequestration through habitat and soils management, and 4) major investments in community resilience, including regulatory changes that open up markets for clean energy microgrids and decentralized clean energy.
AB 3214 (Limón), updates the current criminal penalties for companies that knowingly cause oil spills or failed to take actions that they knew would have prevented an oil spill into state waters.
AB 3030 (Kalra), will set a target for California to conserve 30 percent of land areas and waters within the state by 2030, consistent with an international effort to protect habitat. It emphasizes improving access to nature for all.
AB 2287 (Eggman), supports the development and use of truly degradable and compostable alternatives to plastics by updating California’s advertising laws to reflect updated standards, certifications and best practices for labeling products.
SB 54 Single-use products—typically plastic packaging—is overflowing our landfills and fouling our oceans and streets. Current disposal and recycling policies cannot resolve these problems. This bill will require the reduction, composting or recycling of 75 percent of single-use packaging by 2030.
Email Napa County Board of Supervisors and let them know you want the County to apply for grant funds for the Napa Valley Vine Trail. You can find more information here.