Allow takeout/to-go orders in customer-provided reusable Recognizing Responsible Foodware and Waste reduction efforts


Businesses can receive an “Earth-Friendly” window decal by completing the following steps:


  1. Use only reusable foodware* for onsite dining. *Foodware includes plates, glasses, silverware, containers, and other items as defined in the proposed Foodware/Waste Reduction Ordinance.


  1. For take-out/to-go orders:
  • Provide disposable foodware by request only. 
  • Use only natural fiber-based compostable and BPI-certified (or other third-party certified) disposable foodware that is free of “forever chemicals”.
  • Use only paper bags.
  • Allow customer-provided reusable foodware, provided it is acceptably clean, appropriate in size, non-leaking (if for liquids), and safe for your kitchen.
  • Provide a discount for customers who provide their own containers and foodware for takeout orders. Note this discount on your website for takeout orders.


  1. On customers’ receipts, on a sign posted by the register, or on the wall in clear view, note your practice of reusable foodware for in-restaurant dining and certified compostable utensils, packaging, glasses, cups, and bags for take-out.


By dining with us today, you’re helping to reduce waste and promote the health of the natural world, including … us. Thank you.)


Napa Climate Now! recognizes us as an Earth Friendly Eatery. We do everything we can to reduce waste and eliminate single-use plastics and other items. Thank you for joining us today!


 4. Follow “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rot (compost)” practices before sending any waste material to landfill; include proper, standardized labels on the waste receptacles/bins. Be sure your staff is trained in the art of deciding what goes where in your area. (Bin colors may change from town to town.)


ADDITIONAL STEPS (Choose 3 or more)

    1. Reduce food waste by donating excess to food recovery organizations, either through an organization that collects surplus prepared and other uncontaminated food (Feeding It Forward Napa Valley: Anya, ) OR make the food a gift to your employees at the end of the day.
    2. Prioritize working with local vendors when possible. 
    3. Reduce water consumption in front and back of the house (2 or more of these: Install low-flow faucets and toilets and auto-off faucet or train your staff to be water-conscious; offer drinking water rather than automatically providing it; reduce urban runoff by not hosing down the outside area).             
    4. Use non-toxic cleaners.
    5. Conserve energy (2 or more of these: Upgrade lighting and equipment to save energy; switch to LED lighting; install solar panels; use Energy Star-certified appliances; train your staff to turn off outside heaters when not in use and when the weather is warm).
    6. Implement other climate-aware business practices (1 or more of these: Offer transit vouchers to employees; provide bike racks to encourage alternative transport; make the switch from fossil fuel by choosing the “deep green” renewable energy option offered by MCE through PG&E).                              
    7. Sell only beverages that are not in plastic bottles.                 
    8. Sell, or rent for deposit, reusables on site (i.e., foodware containers, travel mugs/cups, bags).
    9. Add a line to customers’ to-go receipts stating: “the cost of fully compostable foodware for takeout orders, approximately __% of the total, is included in your bill”.


A Project of Napa Climate NOW!      

Decals now available for eateries and drinkeries in Napa County meeting our program requirements. 

Press Release

‘Earth-Friendly’ Decals Promote Climate-minded Businesses

A New Designation for Drinking and Dining with Greater Peace of Mind

November 1, 2022 – From fancy and famous to “grab and go” and delivery, Napa Valley offers a broad range of options for enjoying food and drink, and as a world-renowned food and wine destination has become synonymous with setting a higher standard. Napa Climate NOW!’s Waste Reduction Issue Team thinks it’s high time for that standard to be extended to the plate itself and has launched an eye-catching “Earth-Friendly” badge of honor to recognize and promote establishments that commit to more sustainable foodware practices. 

For more information and/or to request your decal fill out the Napa Climate NOW! Waste Reduction Issue Team request form below. 

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