Want to speak up for climate justice or other causes but not sure what to say? Believe strongly in these issues, but are not sure how to convince your friends, family, or elected officials to take action? We know the feeling and can help!
Join the Sierra Club Digital Outreach team for a webinar training on storytelling and activism.
Successful advocacy begins with a story – your story – but we know it can be challenging to get that story down in words. That’s why we invite you to join us on Monday, May 23, 2022, at 4 pm PT / 7 pm ET for a deeper look at how to develop your story, and how to connect it to the causes you want to champion.
The training will cover: How to articulate what you care about and why; connecting those passions to changes you want to see happen, both nationally and locally; identifying challenges you have faced as an advocate; thinking about your accomplishments as an advocate; and weaving them all together to both write and tell your story to influence those around you!