If you’ve been wanting to find a way to assist in the global fight for climate solutions, this is one of our trainings that we offer a few times throughout the year that will give you the skills you need to talk about climate change in your community, generate action in our local government, and inspire action in others. This interactive program is geared towards individuals who might have full-time jobs, but who also want to do what they can in a limited amount of time. You’ll meet scientists, local elected leaders, and some of your neighbors! Attendance is free, but all participants who wish to join us must complete our application form.
Here is our general agenda for the day (some items may change).
Please note: Social distancing will likely prevent an in-person meeting, so we are revising the schedule to suit an online format.
Bernie Narvaez serves as the Vice Chair of Napa 2040 general plan update committee, as President of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Napa, and is currently a candidate for the Napa City Council for District 4.
Scott Sedgley has served on the Napa City Council for 6 years. He is one of the city’s representatives on the countywide Climate Action Committee. He is currently a candidate for Mayor of the City of Napa.