Join one of our Teams

Click on any team below to learn more about their active commimtnets and find out how to join.  

Built Environment Team

The Built Environment Team’s goal is to decarbonize the built environment by promoting the benefits of all-electric building and advocating for code changes to make all buildings more energy efficient. We also promote energy upgrades for existing buildings by providing information to homeowners on financial help for replacing natural gas appliances.

Regenerative Practices team

The Regenerative Practices Team’s goal is to work with developers, landscape businesses, homeowners, local government, school districts and other organizations to educate and spread the message to the public about the capacity of the soil to become a carbon sink that can greatly help to address climate change by drawing down carbon and sequestering it there.

Communications Team

The Communications Team’s goal is to get NCN!’s message out (educating NCN! members, partners, our elected representatives and the public about the importance of taking action on the climate emergency and how to do it), as well as to provide communications development support for Issue Teams and Committees.

Government Accountability Team

The Government Accountability Team’s goal is to work on climate action legislation/policies at the city/county/state/federal levels, sharing NCN!’s recommended actions with elected officials and working with electeds on forwarding climate policy action.

Waste Reduction Team

The Waste Reduction Team’s goal is to minimize climate pollutants associated with organic and inorganic waste. Currently, we’re focused on reducing the use of disposable foodware issue by passing local and county ordinances to transition from disposable to reusable foodware, to promote the Earth-Friendly Eatery/Drinkery program and attain more participants, and to explore other opportunities to reduce/prevent greenhouse gas production through waste reduction.

Gas Powered Equipment Phase Out TEAM

Gas-powered equipment contributed significantly to climate and air pollution. The team’s current focus is to work toward a just, equitable transition away from the use of gas powered leaf blowers.


Don't See Your Issue here?

Other teams can be formed to address additional climate challenges. Let us know what you’d like to see here.